Thursday, 19 May 2011

Pretty simple, huh?
The Telegraph today may be showing pretty pictures of bacteria but they display OLD-STYLE  microbiology when we know at a molecular level now that these matters are far more complex than pinpointing the great big "bruisers" of microbes like E coli and helicobacter pylori.

This study "provokes reexamination of the traditional view of killing strategies against bacteria" and contains some far more challenging actual shots of bacteria. And this paper points out the seriousness of microbiologists ignoring the need to research cell-wall-deficient bacteria.

The ridiculousness of showing the public computerised pictures of the fearsome "bogeyman" pathogens that can be easily named is particularly evidenced by recent papers on nanobacteria and others that have long shown a link between these incredibly tiny  microbes and calcifying human conditions, like artery or kidney disease.

All this research (which does not receive media coverage) indicates it is this increased depth of knowledge we need to seek if we are ever going to get to grips with chronic illness.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Gotta add weight

New research adds weight to the theory that the body absolutely needs to push fat in to cells. Those patients who had liposuction in one place found that the fat reappeared somewhere else in the body.

This makes sense to me, if you consider that a body which does not have a perfectly balanced metabolism of its various proteins, chemicals and hormones will produce an excess of some. Fat cells are a good place to put the extra.

If the body didn't then it could go downhill very quickly. I have also read that if fat cells become bloated and then a sudden event causes some to burst, releasing the toxins within, this precipitates an acute medical emergency.

I am seriously in favour of shoving the horrible current public attitude that "obese people" (however others want to categorise them, usually by appearance!) are to blame for their own poor health.

While everyone has to be sensible about limiting our modern tendency towards processed foods, it is now becoming increasingly clear that there is something wrong within the body that produces obesity. It is not just our genes or our diet.

And if you are wondering why, after liposuction, the fat doesn't go back to the same place but to some other fat cells elsewhere, one expert in the New York Times piece had this suggestion: "Maybe liposuction violently destroys the fishnet structure under the skin where fat cells live." Wrecking your body further does not seem to be a sensible answer to obesity.